Lupis Noctum


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    Didn't say
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    Didn't say
  • Has Kids:
    Didn't say


For those who seem to find it necessary to send me observant little messages about an apparent discrepancy in my relationship status and my dating interests: Yes, I am in a long term relationship, in fact I live with my girlfriend. We're polyamorists, which does mean that we're both available for relationships with other people as well.
TV: When they took Pushing Daisies off the air, that was the last straw for my rapidly waning interest in network television. Now I don't watch it at all, but if something catches my eye, I wait 'til it's out on DVD and pick up the set. Much less hassle and a hell of a lot less disappointment. Hell, I don't watch cop shows, doctor shows, or "reality" shows, so firing up the tube is pretty much pointless in any case.
Books: Some of my favorites include A Confederacy of Dunces, Portnoy's Complaint, Still Life with Woodpecker, The World According to Garp as far as mainstream novels go. Clive Barker was my favorite horror writer until he decided to paint. I'm a big fan of cyberpunk science fiction, although not much of it gets published these days. Radix, by A.A. Attanasio and Tiger! Tiger! by Alfred Bester transcend the limits of the art form and become inspirational literature, in my opinion. Really, I could fill another few hundred pages here discussing books, but I'll resist the urge.
Sports: Never had much interest in the antics of grown men who get paid rock star salaries to play children's games. That said, if I lived in the UK I'd at least go to football matches for the fights, but I'm an asshole like that...
BestFeatures: My 17" prehensile penis and my gift for hyperbole.
Dreams: Owning an island filled with Milla Jovovich clones and buying the world a Coke after teaching it harmony.

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