6Brianna M6


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I'm currently a full-time student. Feels like it will always be this way. Currently my major is Medicine with a minor in Botany. I feel like I'm here to accomplish great things even though right now I feel like I've been standing still way too long. I'm a HUGE nerd...don't let the looks fool you..I'm not much of a party girl but I do like to have fun. I don't like people who stare or compliment alot. Especially if I'm trying to have a conversation...I like intellect more than anything and prefer to be appreciated for mine in return. I'm constantly changing and evolving, I hardly turn around and look behind me...all I ever see is the next goal and keep straight ahead. My family finds this annoying about me which is funny because I find the opposite annoying about them. lol Life's too short to dwell on it...pick yourself up and keep moving!
Music: I like alot of different music. Not so much what's on the radio these days. I have alot of friends who produce and write their own...I LUV to hear their creations.
TV: I actually own 5 t.v.'s One in pretty much every room of the house. Funny part is that I don't watch ANY t.v. lol With school and all that, it's just a distraction. I luv the show Heroes though...thank goodness they have it online...but it's the only thing I take time for weekly. So I guess that's only about 45 minutes a week for t.v.
Books: I LUV a good book. Unfortunately, the only one's I've been able to read lately are text books. I don't really have any favorites though...I'm one that will probably read just about anything.
Sports: I like aggressive sports....the more aggressive the better. I've been told I should see a Hockey game...but I never have :( I like Boxing...even though it's all politics these days.
Interests: I love to hike and run. Even though my body shuts down on me sometimes. I like guns...especially big ones! lol Sniper shooting is my absolute favorite...I think I was an assasin in another life....he he he. I'm fascinated with the human body and even more with plants...I believe they hold the answers to alot of questions we need answers to. It doesn't stop there...I just can't think of anything else right now.
Movies: Ahhh....movies....been keeping it PG-13 lately. I LUV horror movies with a passion...but my Bishop says it's a bad thing. lol :)
Dreams: I hope to find the cure for something one day. Something BIG and then just give it away so that nobody but the people suffering can profit from it.

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