Jennifer Miller


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  • Has Kids:
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I recently separated from my husband and I have two sons that are my world. I'm just trying to rebuild my life and have some fun in the process.
College: Baker College of Port Huron
Music: I like Country, Rock 'n' Roll, and hip hop. No heavy metal!! Jason Aldean is a hottie and so is Jake owen. Country singers.
TV: I honestly don't have any favorites. I usually don't have a lot of TV time and if I do I watch shows it is with my 2 boys.
Books: I like books with Vampires, Witches and things like that a switch from my college books.
Interests: I recently graduated with my bachelor's in human service so I can have some interests now. I like to play pool, go bowling, dance, and just hang out and have fun. I did not say I was good at pool or bowling though, LOL!
Movies: I like comedies.
BestFeatures: My eyes.
Dreams: To take my sons on a vacation somewhere, also I would like to complete my Master's in Social Work and open a program for children with certain behavioral problems.

What I am looking for

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